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European election: “Use your vote”, the EU Parliament launching an institutional campaign to call citizens to vote in the June election

La sede del Parlamento europeo a Bruxelles (Foto Calvarese/SIR)

(Brussels) “Use your vote”: this is the slogan that will go with the institutional campaign of the European Parliament in the run-up to the election on 6-9 June in the 27 member states of the European Union. A campaign aiming to encourage citizens to turn out at the election through a number of opportunities provided to voters themselves and let them learn more about the journey of the European Union, its institutions, and their responsibilities. And to shed light on what Europe actually does for families, young people, workers, cities and regions in the most diverse areas: economy, work, culture, security and defence, healthcare and environmental protection, promotion of rights, international cooperation. The institutional campaign will be presented in Brussels on Thursday, 22 February. Part of such material is already available online, on the EU Parliament’s institutional website. An additional online space called “What Europe does for me” provides even more information. It says: “How does Europe affect our everyday lives? How does it impact our jobs, our families, our health care, our hobbies, our journeys, our security, our consumer choices and our social rights? And how is Europe present in our towns, cities and regions??”. As European citizens, “no matter where we live or how we make our living or spend our time, the EU has an impact on our daily lives. This website presents a series of short notes exploring EU deliveries and actions from the individual’s point of view”.

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