Romania: Card. Muresan, “get vaccinated. Grateful to those who risk their health in their mission” “There is no Christmas without Jesus. So let us put Him at the centre of our attention, of our prayer, of our lives”, Card. Lucian Mureșan, Major Archbishop of the Romanian Greek Catholic Church, said in his Pastoral Letter for Christmas. “In this alarming situation our country and the whole world is facing - he continued -, we are close to the sick and send a message of encouragement to everyone: the victorious Jesus is our hope”. The Cardinal recalls that “the Church supports state authorities and healthcare workers with its prayers while also advising the faithful to get vaccinated and strictly follow the rules to help improve the current situation and prevent its worsening”. “Let us face life and these times of pandemic together with the Lord”, Card. Mureșan exhorted. “The times of great suffering that our brothers and sisters are going through inspire us to pray more for those who suffer and for those who, in their mission, risk their health with dedication and compassion for their neighbour”. Recalling the synodal journey that has recently begun, the Cardinal explained that “we do not walk alone in the Church, but together with other brothers and sisters, with generosity and humbleness. So that we can more easily overcome the difficulties of life and give a strong and credible witness to the living presence of Christ”. “The greatness of Christmas lies in our grateful communion with God and with the people of good will who keep hope in a better world alive”.Cristina Grigore