Future of Europe Conference: meeting of fourth Citizens’ Panel from today. Recommendations on EU in the world and migration The 200 citizens who make up the fourth Panel of the Conference on the Future of Europe will meet from today until Sunday 28 November. Their task is to discuss the “EU’s role and place in the world” and “migration issues”. The exchange of views will take place in a virtual format, as initially planned. Like for the other three Panels that met over the first three weekends of November, the aim is to make recommendations that will then be presented and discussed at the plenary meeting of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The fourth Panel will meet again in presence in Maastricht to finalise its work before the Conference Plenary in January. The Panel decided to focus on five priority streams within the overarching theme assigned to it: self-reliance and stability (addressing the subtopics of autonomy and borders); the EU as an international partner (trade and relations from an ethical perspective, international climate action, promotion of European values); a strong EU in a peaceful world (security and defence, decision-making and EU foreign policy, neighbouring countries and enlargement); migration from a human perspective (remedy causes of migration, integration); and finally, responsibility and solidarity across the EU (distributing migration, common approach to asylum).Redazione