Eurobarometer: the majority of the EU citizens support vaccines and Green Pass. Recovery funds only to countries that abide by the rule of law In the Eurobarometer survey issued by the European Parliament today in the run-up to the debate about the State of the Union of September 15th, four interviewees out of five (81%) state that the EU “should deliver funds” to recover from the economic crisis due to the pandemic only to those member states that abide by the rule of law and by democratic values”. In addition, the European citizens who have been interviewed greatly support vaccines, Green Pass and the EU’s management of vaccine procurement. The survey was conducted by Eurobarometer from 17th to 25th August on 26,459 people aged 15 or older in all of the 27 member states. David Sassoli, president of the European Parliament, commented: “The European Parliament has been clear about the fact that the EU recovery funds should not be given to those governments that do not abide by fundamental democratic values or do not defend the rule of law. This survey confirms that the large majority of the EU citizens agree on this. If you constantly weaken the values of the European Union, then you should not expect to receive the EU funds”.Valentina Bombelli