Russia: Moscow to host diocesan youth meeting. Pimenova, “invitation to become youth ministry agents” The Archdiocese of Moscow invites young people to the diocesan youth meeting on 16-18 July 2021. The event “is a milestone in the journey towards World Youth Day, from Panama 2019 to Lisbon 2023”, Oksana Pimenova (pictured) and Andrey Toptygingli, two organisers of the meeting, explained today. The gathering “is part of a synodal process that encourages young people to become drivers of change and youth ministry agents”. The reference image is the young man raised by Jesus in Nain, left unnamed in the Gospel: “this is an invitation for us to identify with that young man”, as if Jesus was telling each one of us: “Arise!”. The programme for the event includes moments of exchange in groups and prayer, a “mini-pilgrimage”, and visits to the Catholic communities of Moscow. The youth will be accommodated in the families and in the Pilgrim House. The archdiocese will contribute to cover part of the travel expenses. A Youth Centre has been open in Moscow since October 2019. It unites the youth of the archdiocese and “helps them fulfil their vocation, find a place in the Church, and share their talents with others”. It is young woman Oksana Pimenova who is in charge of the centre.Gianni Borsa