Universal child benefit: Bassi (Fafce), “Italy’s doing good, first in Europe. Investing in the future generations” “Italy has taken an effective measure to reverse the current demographic trends, thus promoting intergenerational balance. Congratulations to the Families’ Forum and to Gigi De Palo for their indefatigable efforts. Congratulations also to Minister Elena Bonetti for her new approach”. Vincenzo Bassi, president of Fafce (Federation of Family Associations in Europe), speaks to SIR about the decision to grant a universal child benefit. “Since the onset of the pandemic, this has been the first serious measure taken in a Western European country that rewards the key role played by mothers and fathers in the building of our common future. Now, all the resources must be found. Next Generation EU too should be used to such end. It is not a welfare measure but a recognition for the added value that families give to the common good. It is not a cost, but an investment in the future generations”.Valentina Bombelli