Falling birth rates in Europe: Mr Bassi (FAFCE) to SIR, “demographic winter comes from the South. Need to invest in the family” “Winter comes from the South this time: it is a demographic winter that affects southern European countries in the first place. We will not cease to denounce inaction over this issue at all levels”. In an interview with SIR news agency, the president of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE), Vincenzo Bassi, commented on the data, released by Eurostat today, showing a sharp decline in birth rates in Europe. “The number of children is often said to be a personal choice, particularly on the part of women. But are we sure - Mr Bassi remarked - that this choice is a completely free choice? How many factors do influence the choice of having children in Europe today? What and how many obstacles are there to the freedom of giving birth?”. The president goes on to say: “These are very serious questions that we should all ask ourselves. As reiterated in the reflection paper jointly published by FAFCE and COMECE, becoming aware of Europe’s severe demographic decline and the need for an intergenerational balance is a matter of urgency”. For this reason, he concludes, “we need to invest in the family. Indeed, thinking of young people also means giving them life, offering our children a better future and society”.Gianni Borsa