UK: Catholic Church celebrating “Peace Sunday” next Sunday. “A culture of care as a path to peace” “Peace Sunday”, the Day of Peace in England, will be celebrated in the Catholic Church of England and Wales next Sunday. To mark the occasion, a letter was sent to all Catholic parishes and schools by the Vice-President of the Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool, to remind the almost 5 million British faithful of the words addressed by Pope Francis on the subject at the end of last year. In his message, Archbishop McMahon also asked Catholics to promote the work of the “Pax Christi” Association, chaired by him, and proposed various tools and resources that the Association had prepared for the occasion. This year’s theme for the Day reflects the title of Pope Francis’ message for the 54th World Day of Peace: “A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace”. “The Christian message of peace, through reconciliation, justice and nonviolence, can offer hope and direction in these times”, Archbishop McMahon wrote to UK Catholics. “I invite you to welcome Peace Sunday as an opportunity to focus especially on the gospel message of peace”. For several days now, many of the twenty-two Catholic dioceses in England and Wales have been promoting the theme of peace on their websites and in churches, with posters and banners displaying the word “peace” in different languages.Valentina Bombelli