EU-Churches: online meeting. Bedford-Strohm (Evangelicals), “constructive dialogue”. El Yazidi (Muslims), “terrorism wants to divide us” “It was a constructive meeting, with an open dialogue”: Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, representative of the Evangelical Church in Germany, said this about today’s meeting between the EU and the religious communities present in Europe. In his remarks, he reflected on the hardships brought about by the pandemic, the ensuing economic and social crisis, and the difficulties of so many people and families. “Hope and love can never be separated”, he said, before focusing on migration. “Europe loses its soul if it lets people die in the Mediterranean Sea. Saving human lives is a core obligation”. The European Commission was represented by Vice-President Schinas. Eight religious leaders attended the meeting - Christians of different confessions, Jews and Muslims. Abdassamad El Yazidi, secretary general of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, said: “The EU’s meeting with the different religions is always a good thing”. And speaking about the pandemic, he said it “is bringing out the best and the worst of what humanity is capable of”. In this regard, El Yazidi insisted on the need to give support and hope to younger generations. Last but not least, he expressed concern for the increase in attacks against religious communities in Europe. “They want to divide us - the Muslim leader said - but we must show more unity and mutual respect”.Gianni Borsa