Lesbos: EU Commission relocates 407 minors from Greek island. Refugees camping out on the streets. Schinas, European support to Athens The European Commission Representation in Greece has published some pictures that prove the relocation of 407 unaccompanied minors from Lesbos, with the financial support of Europe and the cooperation of UNICEF Greece. Meanwhile, European Commission Vice President, Margaritis Schinas, has today flown to the island to “further support the titanic efforts” of the Greek authorities, a tweet from the Representation reads. The people displaced from the camp took refuge in the streets, as shown in a video posted to the social media of the German NGO Mission Lifeline. The Greek Ministry of Health has addressed a request for help to the WHO, asking for the dispatch of specialised teams and rapid test labs to the island. https://twitter.com/i/status/1303978767656910850Sarah Numico