COVID-19 Coronavirus: Europe commemorates victims of pandemic in Madrid. King Felipe, “do justice to their lives”   The EU’s highest representatives - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell, European Parliament President David Sassoli, and European Council President Charles Michel - have today attended the state ceremony in Madrid presided over by the King of Spain on the Plaza de la Armería, facing the Royal Palace, to “remember the victims of COVID-19 and pay tribute to the professionals and volunteers who are on the front line fighting the pandemic”, President Sassoli wrote on his Twitter account. “Our citizens - Sassoli said - have been an example of solidarity and humanity, the values on which Europe was built”. President Von der Leyen, for her part, wrote: “My heart goes out to all the victims of the virus and their loved ones. To all those who lost parents, grandparents, children, partners and friends: Europe mourns with you. To those who are still fighting the virus, our thoughts and best wishes”. The ceremony was attended by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez; MPs; Spain’s high-ranking officers; former prime ministers Aznar, Rajoy and Zapatero; Madrid’s mayor; and 100 relatives of the victims and representatives of the civil society. The Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, Carlos Osoro Sierra, was also present. “This ceremony can neither make up for the pain of the many families who could not be with their loved ones during their final hours, nor alleviate the sadness caused by their absence; but it wants to do justice to their lives”, said King Felipe. Valentina Bombelli