EU Parliament: plenary session about Covid, racism, Brexit starting today. Preparing the summit of the 27 member states, due on 19th June The fourth plenary session of the European Parliament at the time of the pandemic, still in Brussels. “Since March, we have been getting ready to continue the plenary sessions, because it is at times of crisis that democratic control needs to be guaranteed, and because timely decisions had to be taken to help the States deal with the health and economic consequences of the pandemic”. Jaume Duch (in the photo), spokesperson for the EU Parliament, presented to the press the agenda of the plenary meeting that is going to start this afternoon. Twelve points are on the agenda, and seven will be the voting sessions (still remotely, because not all MEPs will be able to be physically in Brussels). Covid still on the agenda, along with the preparations for the European Council that will be meeting on Friday, 19th June. The agenda also includes the state of the negotiations with the United Kingdom for an agreement on its future relations with the EU, then a debate about the rallies against racism, discrimination and police abuse of African minorities, and again a debate about Schengen and control of the external borders. All such points will be followed by a voting round on the relevant resolutions by the European Parliament. In addition, the plenary meeting will address, once again, the Conference on the Future of Europe. The MEPs will discuss the consequences of Covid-19 on the world order with the High Representative, Josep Borrell, who will also be discussing Hong Kong. The president of the EU Commission, Ursula Von der Layen, will attend the meetings about the preparations for the EU Council, the relations with the United Kingdom and racism.Valentina Bombelli