Surrogacy: FAFCE, “a wide coalition of people from different backgrounds defending human dignity” “The Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE) is proud to be part of a coalition working for the universal abolition of surrogacy”: this is written in a press release issued after the two-day International Conference in Rome that brought together the voices that fight for the universal abolition of surrogacy. Yesterday, the delegates of FAFCE and of the Casablanca Declaration – an international convention for banning surrogacy – met Pope Francis and then the Vatican Secretary of State, card. Pietro Parolin. From both, FAFCE’s release says, came “full support to the campaign to enforce a universal abolition of surrogacy, protecting women and children from exploitation”. According to FAFCE’s President, Vincenzo Bassi, this campaign brings together “a wide coalition of people from different backgrounds defending human dignity”. According to Bassi, “it’s not about ideology”, it’s about reality. Long is the list of voices that took the floor in the last few days: from the Minister for Family, Eugenia Roccella, to writers, psychologists, activists from different geographical areas, European, American and African ones. That’s why Bassi emphasised the need to find common ground to “convince the world of the beauty of family life”, to “promote family life as a gift, not as a commodity”.Valentina Bombelli