United Kingdom: Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, “Marriage Week”. “Expression of the depth of human loving” “Marriage is God’s gift to men and women, so that they can discover their wholeness”. This is the core message in which mgr. David Evans, Lead Bishop for Marriage and Family Life at the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, introduces a number of resources, provided to priests and devotees by the British Bishops, to celebrate the Week focussed on marriage that is starting today. “It is an expression of the depth of human loving, of its enduring reality and of its likeness to the love of God”, the Bishop goes on. “Marriage is also the fruit of a human desire for wholeness. That wholeness is not discovered simply in an individual but in the mutual exchange of love between a husband and wife”. “Marriage week” are the seven days that the Catholic Church of England and Wales dedicates to such Sacrament. The resources that can be found on the website of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales include advice from couples who have been married for some time about how to achieve a happy marriage, reflections on such Sacrament, as well as prayers. For instance it emphasises the importance of kindness, which can also merely consist in a smile and a word of encouragement, and the ability to apologise and thank, the risk to take the other person for granted, the value of forgiveness, the need to pray together as a family.Redazione