Healthcare: European Commission, “large-scale partnership” launched to address skills and labour shortages in the sector A “large-scale skills partnership for the health industry” has been launched with the support of the European Commission, which involves stakeholders from the health industry, including pharmaceutical companies and universities. The goal, a statement from Brussels explains, is “to boost training in this sector, which is essential to the EU’s industrial and social prosperity”. Today, this industry is facing “significant skills and labour shortages”, which may “intensify with the growing demand for health products and services, driven by an ageing population in Europe”. The partnership’s ambition is to establish a shared model for skills development and reskilling across the healthcare sector. In addition, the partnership will help to enhance the sector’s skills intelligence and monitoring. This is the 19th large-scale partnership of the Pact for Skills and the third in the health ecosystem of the EU’s industrial strategy. To date, according to the Commission, the Pact has trained more than 2 million workers, with 15,500 training programmes either updated or developed and €160 million invested by Pact members in training programmes. In the context of the European Year of Skills, the EU’s main objective is that by 2030 at least 60% of all adults participate in training courses every year.Sarah Numico