EU Commission: legislative proposal against migrant smuggling. “Criminal activity that disrespects human life” A new European legislation to prevent and fight migrant smuggling was announced by the European Commission in Brussels today. The Commission also launched a “Call to Action for a Global Alliance to Counter Migrant Smuggling” on the occasion of the International Conference hosted in the Belgian capital, with participants from more than 50 countries. The Commission envisages a new legal, operational and international cooperation framework against migrant smuggling for the years to come. As is customary in the EU, the Commission’s legislative proposal will now be negotiated by the European Parliament and the Council. “Migrant smuggling is a criminal activity that disrespects human life and the dignity of people in the pursuit of financial or other material benefits”, the Commission pointed out in a statement. “Smuggling networks make substantial profits from their criminal activities, ranging between EUR 4.7 – 6 billion worldwide annually”. The modi operandi of smuggling networks change rapidly, adapting to circumstances and responses by national authorities. This is why the Commission is increasing its efforts to tackle this crime at a global scale”.Gianni Borsa