EU: air bridge to bring humanitarian aid to earthquake-affected populations in Afghanistan Following the series of earthquakes that hit western Afghanistan earlier this month, an EU humanitarian air bridge to Herat has landed today, bringing 92 tonnes of essential supplies to help the affected population. Of the total cargo, the EU has donated 57 tonnes from its own stocks in Dubai, consisting of blankets and winterisation kits. Another 20 tonnes of medicines were transported for the World Health Organization, and 15 tonnes of food were delivered under the World Food Programme. A second and third flight are planned to follow shortly from Brindisi and Dubai to Herat and Kabul. They will be gathering in-kind contributions from Ireland, Italy and EU Humanitarian Partners’ relief items. France is also reinforcing the transport and warehousing capacity of the aid. Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said: “In the aftermath of the recent devastating series of earthquakes in Afghanistan, the EU stands resolute in extending our assistance and support to the Afghan people in need. Together, we are uniting to provide swift, concrete and effective aid, embodying our solidarity and commitment to helping those affected rebuild their lives”.Valentina Bombelli