Education: Eurydice Report, focus on special educational needs, disability, minorities. Training teachers, insufficient funds The findings of the report on inclusion in schools released today by the European Commission’s Eurydice network show that “although educational systems already promote some targeted measures, the specific needs of each learner need to be taken into account”. Other persistent challenges across Europe are “the lack of adequate teacher preparation to manage inclusive classrooms and inadequate funding to employ support staff and multidisciplinary teams in mainstream schools”. “The importance of valuing the diversity and inclusion of all students in education and training is widely recognised in EU policies”, researchers say. “Improving quality and equity in education is a strategic priority of the European Education Area”. The European Commission, according to a statement from the EC, “supports Member States and stakeholders in view of possible structural reforms, based on the EU values, and has made courses and webinars available on the European School Education Platform to help teachers who wish to improve tolerance and inclusion in their classrooms”. Today’s Eurydice Report provides a comparative overview of policies and measures in 39 countries. The full report is available here.Gianni Borsa