European Parliament: Strasbourg, plenary meeting to vote on EU emissions. In Brussels tomorrow, Metsola will be opening the first meeting with the Verkhovna Rada Next week, the European Parliament will vote on the “reform of the EU emissions trading scheme, including aviation and sea shipping, on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and a new social climate fund”. The MEPs will be convened at a plenary session in Strasbourg from 17 to 20 April. This has been announced in a notice by the European Parliament. The MEPs will also discuss and vote on “a new regulation on deforestation and sustainable carbon cycles”. A debate, called “This is Europe”, with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, has also been planned. This week, on Wednesday 12 April, the president of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, will open the first meeting in Brussels between the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada, the Ukrainian Parliament. In addition, on Thursday, the MEPs of the Committee on Transport will be voting on a project for a report that will update the EU guidelines for the development of the trans-European road, rail and sea-shipping transport network, not least “to reduce connections with Russia and Belarus and increase connections with Ukraine and Moldova”. Also on Thursday, the Committee for Civil Liberties (LIBE) will vote on “a non-binding resolution on the latest attempt to establish a framework for data transfers between EU and US that may be acceptable to the EU Court of Justice”.Irene Giuntella