EU: 40 million “in support of Nigerian Armed Forces against terrorism” under European Peace Facility The European Council has today adopted an assistance measure worth €40 million under the European Peace Facility (EPF) in support of the “Nigerien Armed Forces to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Niger and to better protect the civilian population against the mounting terrorist threat”. This was announced by the EU Council of Ministers in a statement. The measure was decided in cooperation with the recently established EU military partnership mission in Niger (EUMPM Niger), to respond to the Nigerien three-pronged approach (equipment, infrastructure and training). “With the adoption of this new assistance measure in support of the Nigerien Armed Forces, we are strengthening even further our partnership with Niger. This is in line with our commitment to do more with the partners committed to working with us. This package of €40 million comes alongside the Military Partnership Mission we just launched. Together, they will contribute to the autonomy of the Nigerien Armed Forces in the long-term, in line with Niger’s expressed needs and intents”, said the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. The measure will support the creation of a support battalion in Téra, Tillabéry region, by providing “non-lethal equipment, including ground mobility assets, surveillance, IT, communication and countermeasures equipment as well as infrastructure” for the battalion.Valentina Bombelli