Future of Europe Conference: Metsola (EU Parliament), “people want more European democracy” (Brussels) “On Europe Day 2021, at the inaugural event of the Conference on the Future of Europe, my friend and predecessor, David Sassoli, spoke about the importance of a proper and meaningful follow-up to the results of this historic exercise by the three institutions, each at their own levels of competence. Sassoli said: ‘the vision of our European project will be the compass that must guide our work in the decade to come’”. Quoting David Sassoli, the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, opened the feedback event of the Conference on the Future of Europe in Brussels. 535 citizens from the 27 Member States met to discuss with representatives from the EU Parliament, Commission and Council how to follow up on the 49 proposals and on the over 400 measures identified to strengthen EU integration, bring the EU closer to its citizens, and make it capable of meeting their needs. A cohesive Europe, capable of protecting citizens’ rights, and open to the world. “I am proud to stand before you all, as President of the European Parliament, to assure you that this institution is holding itself to its word. We were the first institution to react to your proposals. Our Constitutional Affairs Committee is busy working on another report, which could be voted upon in the next weeks. Today, we are gathered here in the house of European democracy, your House, to take stock of what we have done”. Metsola explained that she had met with thousands of citizens in the past few months: “they ask me about the Conference, about the proposals that many of you in this room helped form. They ask me about strengthening the links between citizens and their elected representatives and about increasing the transparency of EU decision-making. One thing has been universally clear: people want more European democracy”.Gianni Borsa