Comece-Fafce: women after the pandemic, an event to investigate the work-life balances disrupted by the lockdown What happened to women after the pandemic? This is the topic of a conference jointly organised by the Commission of Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (Comece) and by the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (Fafce), due to take place in Brussels on November 30th. “The European Care Strategy. Responding to challenges faced by women in times of post-pandemic” is the title of the event. Actually, the pandemic affected all Europeans, across all sectors and in all dimensions of life, the organisers explain, but “the most striking impact of the recurring lockdowns was the appearance of new forms of work organisation that often blur the boundary between work and family life”. Women’s real experience is the most affected of all, and that will be precisely the one that will be dealt with, partly in the light of the “European Care Strategy” that the European Commission published in September in response to the challenges that women have to face in their daily life. In keeping with such strategy, Fafce too has recently taken position about this by passing a resolution about “unpaid family work: the heart of intergenerational solidarity”. The Brussels event will be an opportunity to share stories about what so many European women and mothers are facing and experiencing.Valentina Bombelli