Russia: call to arms for 300 thousand people; dissidents get ready to support objectors “Today, Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilisation. In the decree signed by the President, there are no ‘partiality’ criteria so it’s still difficult to say who will be involved in the call”: this was written by dissident channels, such as “Pervi Otdel”, first department, which has got ready to help those who do not want to be enlisted among the 300 thousand people that Russian Defence Minister Serghiei Shoigu announced will be called. “Presumably”, the message goes on, the first to be enlisted will be “those who are in the reserve and who have specific skills”; the age limit will be 50 years for privates, but non-commissioned officers may also be older. “We remind you that the enlistment shall be personally delivered and countersigned”, activists warn. The people involved in such mobilisation will not be allowed to leave the place they live in without a special permit, the notice says, and on the other hand “applying for political asylum in a different country to avoid the draft is fairly difficult”. All those who are exempted are encouraged to bring proof of their exemption on them at all times. The NGO Ovd-Info is sharing the links of the associations that protect the rights of those who will not want to go and fight. A free webinar will be held tomorrow afternoon for lawyers specialising in conscientious objection, to provide updates in the light of the rules of the new decree on partial mobilisation.Valentina Bombelli